Archive for Libya: injured Gaddafi pleaded with his captors


Posted in Algemeen, CIA, Corruptie, Diversen, Geluid-tape's, LEAKS, Misdaad, Moord, Moraal en Fatsoensnormen, Muziek, Nieuws, Nieuws en politiek, Normen en Waarden, opmerklijk nieuws, Overig, Politiek with tags , , , , , , , , on October 22, 2011 by Redactie

Libya: injured Gaddafi pleaded with his captors

New amateur footage from Libya appears to show an injured Muammar Gaddafi pleading with his captors shortly after he was seized in Sirte.


In the footage Colonel Gaddafi is seen dazed with blood pouring from a head wound after being dragged from his hiding place in Sirte as National Transitional Council (NTC) fighters cheer and fire weapons into the air in celebration at his capture.

Forced onto the back of a truck and surrounded by his baying captors who taunted him with “Shafshoufa” – a mocking reference to his hairstyle – the former Libyan dictator seems confused as he wipes blood from his face. He then appears to plead with one fighter, although his words are inaudible.

Typical of the frenzied crowd who mobbed Gaddafi, the fighter who filmed the footage proudly shows off the ousted leader’s boot after taking it from him, dedicating the capture to the Souq al-Jumaa, a sprawling eastern district of Tripoli that was among the first areas the capital to rise up against Gaddafi in the ‘February 17 revolution’.

“This is Muammar’s boot, this is Muammar’s boot, and to the people of Souq al-Jumaa I say God is greatest. God is greatest. Victory, victory, victory to the (NTC) brigades. Victory… we have caught Muammar, and this is his shoe,” the cameraman says.
